Om mig

Mitt foto
Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

måndag 28 april 2014

Early spring in the Canoe Country Nordmarken

Just now we do have the early spring here in the Canoe Country Nordmarken. It´s about 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. Our first canoe guests will come two days from now and the fishing is extreme good right now. Lucky ones and I think they will be almost alone in the wilderness.

söndag 27 april 2014

Visst nappar det i Risviken.

Vatten temperaturen stiger inne i kanotviken . Fram åt kvällen kommer fisken in för att hitta föda på botten där det är grunt. Kastmete med en 1/2 räka på kroken  gav ganska snart resultat under gårdagskvällen. Barn barnet kom upp med ett stort leende, nu hade han ordnat ett par fina middagar med lax.
För intresserade fiskare, så säljer vi fiskekort det är bara att komma.

onsdag 23 april 2014

I have lost my dreams !

There are many different way of canoeing and outdoor life. Lots of our guests come from high concentrated area with a lot of people in large cities. Bad air, polluted water in the lakes and streams and stress with a lot of other people close together.
If you go on a canoe tour you set your own speed, drink the water direct from the lake, and take a break when you want or hit shore to overnight in solitude nature. This is the way it should be I Nordmarken, Värmland, Sweden. It has been this, since I started as a canoe outfitter 1956. But now large German companies are sending 2-4 buses with canoers to one part of the area Nordmarken in Värmland, Sweden every week during the whole summer.
We who live here, have our business near the shore, know the area well, know all the good places and have a good relation to mostly of the landowners, is a bit a shame of this new invasion. Hundreds of people come to the area on a small spot and 100-300 people are going back to Germany at the same time. All are mostly in the same lake Foxen, on the island and camp sites. It´s difficult to fine remote areas and enjoy the solitude and the thing our guests want on a canoe tour.

But we do have a 100% knowhow about the area and lived here for more 55 years and can show you places where you can be alone and have a good time away from crowded lakes. We don’t see the profit in EURO´s, we want our guests to have a good time and come back year after year and find the good spots, we show them and give them what they have paid for, not to stand hours waiting to get on tour on a crowded lake.

tisdag 22 april 2014

Good fishing in Nordmarken

Now fishing is as good as it can be. There has been a lot of work done of the local fishing club to make fishing even better. Some small streams have been opened so the Lake Trout and Salmon can come up streams to good spots for the autumn spawn. There is a Fishing plan for the future and a lot more will be done coming year.

fredag 18 april 2014

Dansk ungdomsskole på Vildmarksäventyr.

Ösregn, kraftig vind och riktigt kallt i luften gjorde att vi startade med en längre Mountain Bike tur i stället för klättring på Skärtorsdagen. Men på Lång fredagen var vädret bättre så vi kunde genomföra klättrimg och nedfirning på 22 meters klippan. En mycket bra grupp med duktiga elever som verkligen bjöd till och genomförde allt på ett suveränt sätt.

måndag 7 april 2014

Early start for young children

You have to start early to be good canoers. This young lady has done several tours with her family and always having a good time. All young children at our Canoe Center in Risviken will have there own paddle and safety west. It´s part of our policy.

På väg mot vildmarken i norr.

Nu hörs sångsvanarna lite då och då när de flyger mot sina häckningsplatser vid ödsliga sjöar och kärr uppe i norr. Det är mäktigt att höra dom. Allt flera småfåglar kommer dagligen ån sina vinter visten och strax efter ett fint regn hörs de som bäst.

söndag 6 april 2014

Våren kommer tidigt i år !

Har haft besök av en Nässelfjärill ett bra tecken på att våren kommer så sakta , men blir troligen tidig i år.Lite mera regn och en del värme så är det klart

People are different

About 8000-9000 years there were people in south Sweden. From the Stone Age up to what we call Bronze Age there is a lot of different thing to find from this epoch. Remarkable rock carvings near water and where this early people were traveling. Yesterday I was visiting one of these rocks carving area and found a lot of fine Rock carvings. On the road back I came to an area where there was an old graveyard from the Bronze Age. There was also a parking area where modern people have made their signs. About 60 meter of trash along parking area on Road 26 north bound south of Kristinehamn. There are often people who claim that canoers are the one who pollute the nature but on this spot there is a 100% guaranty no foreigners and no canoers have done this. It come from Swedes going to or from there winter vacation.

torsdag 3 april 2014

Vildmarks huset BOCKUDDEN ledig i Påsk

På grund av sent återbud är vår fina Vildmaksstuga BOCKUDDEN ledig under Påsk helgen. I priset ingår fiskebåt med elmotor. Just nu är fisket på topp av Lax, Öring och Regnbåge. Gå till och klicka på HUS ATT HYRA så ser du mera bilder.

tisdag 1 april 2014

The technique is moving forward.

The technique is moving forward. I forgot my car key on the seat under a jacket in my car someday go. I was taking to a friend outside the car. My Volvo Car has a system that the door close automatic after a while. Real smart sometimes. So I was standing there on a late Saturday evening all workshops were closed and my car was locked. I start thinking. I call my wife and ask her to call my phone and then press the extra key she have and let tone go to my phone. So she did and I hold my Phone near the red button that open the door on the car, and it was OK. Door opens up.
From a technician I Germany I have heard that if You write tsrif  lirpa uoy luuf on your phone and it works better. So go out and test on your car now.