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Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

lördag 23 september 2017

Some have luck with the weather.

After a week with extreme fine weather this couple return to Base Camp. Not a single rain droop, lots of sun and almost no wind. They took one of our special tours and they were almost alone on tour.

This time of the year it can be a bit tricky with the weather, but there are more than 100 wooden shelters on the DANO camp sites so almost every night you can use one of them if the weather is a bit bad.  Its seams that next week will be fine, with warm and a bit sun, but we are slowly closing down the canoe season but can always help canoers who like to go on tour. There are still lots of berries and mushrooms out there.

måndag 18 september 2017

End of canoe season.

We only have a few canoers on tour out in the DANO canoe area. The last days the weather has been very good for canoeing. The nature is full of berries and mushrooms.  The leafs are slowly beginning to change colure’s and in a few days the nature will be very fine.  The night temperature is low now and it can be some frost in the morning just at sunrise. The deer are active now and take a short drive in the afternoon and you will see many.
On the 20th September there is a visit of the Swedish Agriculture minister Sven-Erik Bucht in our town Årjäng, and if there is a chance I will ask him why we have to pay 25% WAT every time our costumer has to pay this tax for hire a canoe, tent, spade, safety wests, or some other outdoor equipment for spending some days in the nature.  I find this very unfair that people has to pay 25% for doing outdoor life with hire equipment.

måndag 11 september 2017

Good with some extra equipment, or?

Autumn, normally rain, some wind and a bit cold weather. But there are still some enthusiasm for canoeing in Nordmarken and the DANO canoe area. Some in this group came back after some years and I think they have seen the TV program from Belgium there was made early spring this year at Nordmarken Canoe Center.  It’s good this time of the year to have some extra equipment on tour.

onsdag 6 september 2017

Back after a fine tour.

Some canoers have luck. This group running the Duke of Edinburgh Award started in fine weather, nice sun, no wind. But after some days the run into another type of weather with some rain and wind. But they came back to Base Camp in Risviken in good order and everyone was happy. When given back canoes and equipment, clean and nice, they had a chance to have a hot shower and I good dinner at Base Camp.

It’s always fine to have good guides and instructors who look after the students so, equipment is given back in good order and had a safe journey.  I thank you this group for a very fine work and responsibilities with the canoes and equipment. They made ca 80 km of canoeing during the 4 days they were out. Respect.

lördag 2 september 2017

New group running the Duke of Edingburgh Award

A new group from Great Britten arrived yesterday to run a Duke of Edinburgh Award. Total 18 students and 4 guides.
Two of the guides have been her one time before this year, also to run a DOEA. They have been her total 12 times before the lasts years with groups from Great Britten.
All these groups arrive via Oslo and then with local but to us in Risviken.  Just now the canoe area is almost empty, so it’s a very good time to make canoe expeditions.
I will mention that the two guides who have been here so many times will next week’s go the Ontario and to Algonquin National Park for a longer canoe tour. I told them to visit the town Peterborough to see the fine canoe museum there.
As I said before, time in early autumn, is perfect for canoeing. Lots of berries and lots of mushroom and fishing are getting better as well.