Om mig

Mitt foto
Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

måndag 31 augusti 2015

Back again:

This early morning a group arrived from Nürnberg after a long tour with a mini Bus. 5 of them have been here 4 times before so they know the routine. They will take off for a 5-8 day tour, a bit depending on weather the coming days. It’s a good size of a group and we wish them a fine tour.

They will paddle to area where there is only a few other canoers or I think they will alone, a lot of folks don’t like portage to another lake system using canoe wheels.

söndag 30 augusti 2015

Where are the Ladies ?

Another” Man Tour”. This four man from Denmark made a very fine weekend tour. We took them out to one of the starting point and they paddle back to Base Camp in Risviken. This was tour number twelve and at the reception we planned a fine tour for season 2016 to a new remote area. As usual all equipment hired is given back in 100% good clean condition and I show them our Bed and Breakfast if they are getting soft next year J but I don’t think so. They had a cup of strong coffee and a hot shower before leaving Nordmarken for Denmark.

lördag 29 augusti 2015

4 på "mannetur" i Nordmarken

Tillbaka till Base Camp i Risviken vid Nordmarkens Kanot Center. En kort och intensiv kanottur på 2 övernattningar. Någon kom från Tyskland resten från olika platser i Danmark. Alla tidigare vänner sedan sin ungdomstid.  Turen startade med att vi körde dom på kvällen till ett var våra hemliga ställen och så bar det iväg till den första lägerplatsen. Kom fram strax innan mörkret. Nästa dag en del regn men deras tur fortsatte till ytterligare en fin lägerplats. Sista aftonen bivack i fullmåne.
Åter i god stil till Base Camp med perfekt ordning på hyrda grejor vilket resulterade ï att jag kokade kaffe innan deras återresa.  Riktigt kul med mindre grupper som får uppleva Nordmarken på rätt sätt.

torsdag 27 augusti 2015

Some light rain, thank you.

The canoe season is almost over. The area is almost free from larger groups and a lot of noise in the evening. There are some companies from abroad who send out hundreds of canoers every week so in some area there is it no real wilderness to enjoy. We who live here are sorry about it and do hope it will change in the future. This folks are more or less paddling in the same lake and stay at the same camp day after day, that’s not real canoeing.
After more than 50 years as a canoe outfitter I know the area and have paddle all trails several times and can give our customers real up to date information and show them remote areas.

We are lucky today it had come a bit of rain and a trail is now open again so our guest can paddle solo almost a week.

måndag 24 augusti 2015

Dance with the Wolfs

After some days activities at our Base Camp around Nordmarken Canoe Center with a small group of German boy Scout´s they want to see some Moose. I made two short tours with them but there was only one large Bull Moose to be seen, at a long distance. So after a full day with light survival training and fire making with primitive methods I took them on a Wolf Safari. I tried to howl like a wolf, but at the first place, I just got a weak answer from a very long distance. We went to a new place and after one minute I got a fine answers, from I think two adults and one younger wolf, on a distance from Apo 3-400 meters north of us. They kept hauling for ca 1, 5 minute. Where is my secret? So it ended up as a fine day for the scouts with wilderness memories to take home after 10 days in Nordmarken.

söndag 23 augusti 2015

New "Long time no see"

This gentleman was here 1987 the last time. He has visited us 4 or 5 times before that. No his on a 15 days long tour on his oven. He will comer mostly of the remote area with some heavy portage. His is well known in the inner circle of real canoe people and know a lot of the Macfie Canoe Club and what this club are doing. At Nordmarken Canoe Center we are all member if the club. This early morning I drop him of at a lake in the bear of Glaskogen nature preserve just around where there is a wolf pack.

fredag 21 augusti 2015

Wir sind wider da.

Again some costumers return to Nordmarken Canoe Center for canoeing.  The father was here several times and the last visit was 1987, so back after 28 years. They are lucky this time with extreme good weather and have plan a long tour into remote areas.

onsdag 19 augusti 2015

Business to Business and long time no see.

Early this year we started a program Business to Business with Best Western Hotel in Årjäng and Access Adventure in Håltebyn. I very good idea and to day we had 10 guests on a day tour with canoe all from Access Adventure. It’s good that tourist visiting Nordmarken can try different activities where ever they live during there stay in the area.
The last weeks we have had a lot of former guest coming for tour or a short visit and today we got a new one. The couple was here 40 years ago the last time just to see places where they have been so many years ago. They came from Denmark.

måndag 17 augusti 2015

Party Time

Today is my Birthday, I´m 83 years of age. I got much congratulation from all over the World from friends, family and costumer. Great Thank you to all of you. For me it´s just another day at the Canoe Center with good costumers going in and out in the canoe wilderness.
My philosophy is three chairs at my office. One for being alone, the second one for friendship and the third one of their absolutely must be a party. So this evening there will be a party with my wife Gun and my cousin
The picture is from North West Greenland some hundred kilometres north of Qaanaaq on a sledge tour with local Inuit years ago. Two of us are sharing food from Real Food in Tromsö as an experiment for Trail food in the future.-
This afternoon it will be some other food with three of us ( Party time )

Åter till Nordmarken efter 32 år på ny kanottur


Detta paret var här 1983 på en fin kanottur. På vägen hem från Foxen efter en lång portage (rullning med kanot)från Fölsbyn gick de i land på en liten över strax söder om Årjäng. Här förlovade de sig.
Mannen hade tidigare is sin ungdom varit vår kund när vi arrenderade Sommarviks, Camping & Stugby söder om Årjäng.

Det början nästa som om tidigare kunder kämpar om att vara de som varit våra kunder för länge sedan, ganska trevligt med Repeat Business.

fredag 14 augusti 2015

Back again after 2o years

About 20 years ago the couple was here for a canoe tor two times. Now back with their sons and they will make a tour where they have been before to show the sons something about canoeing and outdoor life and some Bushcraft. We love when guests return after several years and really like that they show their children something of nature and canoeing.

torsdag 13 augusti 2015

1000 kilometer done.

Some weeks ago we had a visit of a father with his 9 years old daughter. They store some food and equipment for their journey and yesterday I got the information that they have made 1000 km around I Värmland and part of Dalsland in their kayak. There are still kilometres to be paddle for them before the tour is finish. 

I have never heard of canoers made so long tour in the area and it with my deepest respect and I have been on a professional basis, a canoe outfitter since 1956 almost 60 years. So sometimes I´m wondering when people complain after a short tour, what they are thinking of hard work in a canoe.

I do hope to see them another time at Nordmarken Canoe Center.

tisdag 11 augusti 2015

Det skal börjas i tid.

  I år har vi märkt en tilltagande ny trend. Vid många tillfällen har vi haft pappa och son/söner på kortare kanotturer. Det har även varit flera fäder tillsammans med sina söner och allt har fungerat mycket bra. Ungdomarna får sig några fina friluftsäventyr och som farfars far tycker jag att de är undan från den elektroniska världen några dygn och utan allt för svår abstinens och det behövs. Riktigt kul att det ofta är fäder från närområdet Värmland -  Norra Dalsland som lär ungdomarna att ”gå in för at gå ut”.

måndag 10 augusti 2015

Now animal is comming closer.

The wilderness is closing in. Yesterday another wild board came across our Base Camp. On evening drive we can see large moose on some of the wheat field nearby. Some weeks ago we had a lynx with 3 cubs a few kilometres south of our camp. So we have real nature around Nordmarken Canoe Center

söndag 9 augusti 2015

Summer is comming to the canoe area Nordmarken,

After a period of not so fine weather we can see a opening the next days starting on Tuesday 11/8 with a nice summer period..We have some free canoes so you can make a booking shorter or a bit longer, it´s up to You to take a tour in canoe in “The Real Canoe Country” Nordmarken in Värmland. Sweden. Welcome.

fredag 7 augusti 2015

Real canoer on tour.

This week there has been a solo canoe on the lakes in Nordmarken. A member of The Macfie Canoe Club (I’m one of them) have paddle almost every lake east of Gustavsfors. Västra Silen and Östra Silen from Krokfors to the south and to the north as training for the Canoe Marathon on Saturday. Cover long distance in a solo canoe takes a man to do that but he has long experience and is born in Canada, the home of the Canadian canoe. We are proud to have him years after years as our guest on the Base Camp in Risviken. He spend most of his free time in a canoe during the summer.

torsdag 6 augusti 2015

Return business after 10 and 25 years amazing.


This morning a couple came back after I canoe tour for some days. The man with his Jeep was our guest 10 years ago with a Christian group for wilderness training at some of our property.

The other couple took off for a canoe tour and the man was our guest with some friends 25 years ago. I was told that they just have been remarried again and will have I journey in the canoe area Nordmarken to celebrate the event. They also give me gratings from friends who has been our guests several times years ago. Nice to have repeat business.

tisdag 4 augusti 2015

Back again in Nordmarken

The family was our guests first time 1997 and have made several canoe tours in the area since that. No out again for I fine tour with their son to teach him and show what outdoor life is about.

The couple is also back as our guests. He was here seven times before and she is back for the third time. They came back to day after a week with some rain and some crowded camps in Foxen Lake.

söndag 2 augusti 2015

Tillbaka igen trots extremt dåligt väder, men det klarade vi.

De senaste dagarna har vädret inte varit på vår sida. Blåst, skyfall, blixtnedslag med förstörd terminal och en massa annat.  Trots detta hade vi en 48 personers grupp på ett stort multisportarrangemang med nattliga orienteringar, tävlingar i en del olika grenar. Långdistans paddling på tid i Montreal kanoterna. Inlagda moment med simning och så vidare med terräng förflyttning i svår terräng runt Risviken och Nordmarkens Kanot Center. 4 st. 12-mannagrupper gjorde upp i ädel tävlan där tre grupper kom på samma slutpoäng och tyvärr kom en grupp strax efter med mycket liten marginal till segrarna.

Denna grupp har till delar varit här tidigare på Nordmarkens Kanot Center för liknande övningar två gånger förut. Trots intensivt skyfall fungerade gruppen till 100% men det var mycket torkning av kläder och skor.

22,500 kilometer in Bike- WOW

A young couple took a year of for a bike tour in Europe They started in Switzerland; want to Spain, Italy, Hungary and country around there. Up to Poland and the Baltic state, Finland, Norway and into Sweden where we had the couple for some days Sweden. At their arrival to us they have a distance of 16,500 kilometres and they will add about 6,000 more before they are home again after about a full year on Bike. I call that a great tour and they have my deepest respect. Sometimes, in my work as a canoe outfitter, I run into people who complain if they have to walk a short distance to go further in the nature, so now I have a reminder of distance to cover, just mention these young fantastic couple and their journey around almost all of Europe.

They have my deepest respect very well done.