Om mig

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Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

söndag 9 november 2014

Old books about canoing

Took a look at my library yesterday and found three books I have written 1978 about canoeing and how to paddle and behave in the Canoe Country. KANOTBOKEN. The first one was in Swedish and then some Publishing House in Denmark and Norway printed a translation. It´s now 36 years ago but when I read them, they are still up to date. Except for one thing. I recommend folks to paddle with their  knees on the bottom. Now a days folks are sitting on a seat, but higher up with less balance. It has also been very popular to take more and more equipment on tours often filled in big blue barrels. Some cover missing experience with equipment.  I say it´s better to cover missing equipment with experience.
People tell me often that I am extreme with less equipment on tour but I’m not so young longer that Took a look at my library yesterday and found three books I have written 1978 about canoeing and how to paddle and behave in the Canoe Country. KANOTBOKEN. The first one was in Swedish and then some Publishing House in Denmark and Norway printed a translation. It´s now 36 years ago but when I read them, they are still up to date. Except for one thing. I recommend folks to paddle with their knees on the bottom. Now a days folks are sitting on a seat, but higher up with less balance. It has also been very popular to take more and more equipment on tours often filled in big blue barrels. Some cover missing experience with equipment.  I say it´s better to cover missing equipment with experience.

People tell me often that I am extreme with less equipment on tour but I’m not so young any longer that I know everything better, sorry about that. 

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