Om mig

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Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

måndag 24 november 2014

Cleaning up around Base Camp in Risviken

We haven’t seen the sun for about 1 ½ months at Nordmarken Canoe Center. Today there was 10 minutes of nice a bit warm sun. In the summer there have been very little sun on our camps due to shadow from large trees and guest on the Base Camp could not see the lake. So this week we have started to cut some of the larger trees down and some smaller vegetation around the camp. We do hope our guest like it when they stay overnight at the campsites with their tents of in the wooden shelters. Even around our timber house there have been some cuttings of smaller trees that shadow the building.  

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