Om mig

Mitt foto
Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

tisdag 31 maj 2016

It´s getting better and better now.

Today there was a meeting with the new board in charge of the DANO Canoe Area called   
Dalsland -Nordmarken Lake District.
There is now a lot of improvement and some new idea to make the Canoe Area better for our guest.

The DANO service crew have been working since April with reparation of some of the wooden shelters. Fixing fireplaces, control of the environment toilettes, transport fire wood to the camps and a lot of other work.

This team at the photo will be out on the lakes almost every day and will focus on open fire in the evening at other places then the approved campsite’s, where it’s the only place allowed to make a small open fire. They can also help you if needed.
There is a total fire band on all other places, and remember all land and forest is private land.
The new organisation has made e tremendous good work since the group took over the management of The DANO Canoe Area.
So dear guests in the wilderness follow the instruction given to you when hire the canoe and be careful with both the fire and the fire wood.

If you meet a member of the DANO service team show that you have paid the Nature card for keeping the camps, shelters and toilettes in order in the future.
Thank you for your corporation.

söndag 29 maj 2016

Return business !

Back for another tour in Nordmarken. These two gentlemen are back again, they have been here several times on canoe tour, chief instructors for Bushcraft and Survival program and a lot more. They are using flight from Stansted to Rygge airport and they really don’t like that Rygge is closing down. Tomorrow we got 8 English costumers coming in also via Rygge and more to come later on in the season. Let Ryan Air  go to Karlstad in Sweden, a very good idea.

fredag 27 maj 2016

Danger and closed road

On the road from Risviken to Sillegårdsed there are some places there cliff is dangerous. We have had some large stones falling down on the road.
From 7th of JUNE 2016  the road will be closed circa 3 weeks from the day they close the road from Sillegårdsed to Risviken. The road is totally closed and will be closed for taking down dangerous cliff and there will even be some new surface on the road.

To get to us at the Canoe Center if you are coming from the south drive via Bengtsfors and then turn right via SKIFORS-KROKFORS and drive until you see a sign UDDEN 2 KM. Turn left and
continue on this road ca 12 km until you see our sign KANOT CENTRAL, turn left and you are at Nordmarken Kanot Center.

If you are coming from north or road E 18 drive to SVENSBYN where there is an ICA shop. You have to drive 12,2 km on very good road via SIGNEBYN until you see the sign UDDEN 2 KM

Turn right and drive ca 12 KM to sign KANOT CENTRAL. Turn left and you are at Nordmarken Kanot Center.
We apologise for this inconvenient and some extra driving but we do need to make the road safe for our costumer.  If you take this alternative route we offer free parking at our Base Camp.

If problem please call +46 (0) 573 38060 and tell us if you need any advice to find us.

Thank you for your understanding
Preben Mortenen


fredag 20 maj 2016

Latest news.

In a few days there will be a brand new wooden shelter at camp 81 in the DANO canoe area.  The old one before burned down several years ago. Since some months, there is now a new organisation to take care, organise and give service to canoers in the large canoe country Dalsland- Nordmarken called DANO. Camp 81 is just a few kilometres south of Nordmarken Canoe Center and is situated on land belonging to us.
The New DANO had also printed a new canoe map in Swedish, German and English, and an App which you can open with smartphones and see photos of almost all 110 camps in the area and a lot of good information to you as user in the DANO area if you travel by canoe, boat or just hiking in the area.

We at Nordmarken Canoe Center, who started 1956, are very pleased to have the new organisation and I am member of the Board as a canoe outfitter in the new organisation.
In a longer period there will be improvement on camps, new camps will be established in the DANO area and there is a new idea of making small camp only for two canoes at the place at the same time. Lots of our guests are looking for remote area and some solitude on the tour.

There will only be a toilet and place for campfire. Just the same I saw when visiting Boundary Canoe Waters in Northern Minnesota in USA years ago.

tisdag 17 maj 2016

Tankar för dagen.

Jag funderar. Har vi de riktiga priser för att hyra kanot. Finner att en kanot for 2 personer i 7 dagar kostar 1925 DK Då paddlar man i Danmark på Gudenån i Jylland. Till detta kommer återtransport av kanoten till startpunkten.
Hos oss på Nordmarkens Kanot Center kan du hyra en liknande kanot för 2 personer från  925:- till 1245:- för 7 dygn.  Ta och räkna lite på växlingskursen också så ser du en klar ekonomisk fördel att paddla i Sverige.
Där vi finns i västra Värmland, är det i direkt anslutning till norra Dalsland och syd östra Norge. Här finner du mycket stora öde områden, med en mängd fina kanotleder. Det finns totalt ca 125 timrade vindskydd med eldstäder miljötoaletter och ved. För de som vill använda dessa auktoriserade lägerplatserna betala man 40:- per person och dygn. Det är i stort sett drickbart vatten i alla sjöarna.
Det finns turer där du i stort inte träffar andra kanotister, men också platser där det kan vara en del andra som gillar friluftsliv.
Genom bra skötsel av fisket, med regelbundna isättningar av yngel framför allt Lax och Öring har du en rimlig chans att få fångst.

Ta en titt på vår hemsida så ser du lite mer om vårt totala utbud av friluftsliv och andra spännande upplevelser.

söndag 15 maj 2016

Lucky me!

Sometimes you can be lucky. Just put up the large sign about “The Real Canoe Country”  Nordmarken when some guest returned from a fine 4 day tour they have been almost alone in the area.

New look again after 35 years.

Some thirty-five year ago I made a large sign from a pine tree. After so many years sitting and the house at Nordmarken Kanot Center the sign has been old and not looking fine any more. So yesterday we took at down, went over it with some sandpaper and after that, nice fine oil and some colour to the letters. Now we have a place again to take photos of our guests in front of the sign.       

fredag 13 maj 2016

Plan ahead if you will have some extra.

Last year we open up two rooms for Bed and Breakfast in the mail building at the Canoe Center in Risviken. We can take 4 people at the time and if so, put in an extra bed if needed. Already we do have some costumer’s using these facilities before or after a canoe tour.

The price is 285:- SEK per person and for children under 12 years 150:- per night

tisdag 10 maj 2016

Tell me the story.

What a story can a paddle tell? Long days over calm waters or against the wind in stormy weather. Standing alone against a tree near the tent or  close to the owner, sleeping under his canoe. Standing together in a long winter with other paddles waiting for the first tour when the ice is gone.

A paddle made by me ca. 50 years ago, still locking good and fine and has thousands of stories to tell. Today at Nordmarken Canoe Center we put some fine oil to the paddles and now they are waiting for another season and we do hope that the user will understand how to take care of this fine instrument to bring the canoe and people to new adventure on the stream and lakes in Nordmarken.

For me a paddle have a soul, but it takes some years before we understand it and respect it.

måndag 9 maj 2016

Vi har ett ansvar.

Visst har vi en förmån som bor i Nordmarken. I Kristi Himmelfärdshelgen var det varmt, vindstilla och tänk att kunna paddla i sådant väder och på köpet i drickbart vatten. Det är inte på många platser i Europa som man kan detta, så vi måste vara rädda om våra vatten, jag undrar hu länge vi kan det på det viset? Vi har ett litet samtal med våra kanotgäster innan de paddlar i väg om detta och betonar just att vårda både vattnen och naturen, Vi kan inte äga vatten, luften eller naturen, det är ett lån från våra barnbarn som vi skall lämna åter till dessa när tiden kommer.

söndag 8 maj 2016

Aldrig har så få gjort så, mycket på så kort tid!

Ett trevligt gäng scoutledare från  Västgöta Södra Scout distrikt var här i helgen under 4 intensiva dagar med  Survival, Bushcraft, Kanoting, MTB, Klättring och andra olika aktiviteter.

Samtliga var ledare som nu på respektive hemorter kan föra det de lärt och upplevt vidare i respektive scout avdelningar. Ett fantastiskt gäng som prickade in sommaren med värme. Vindstilla, björkar som slog ut och ett flertal ljud från ugglor och andra vår fåglar under sen kvällen hördes i skogen. En höjdare var en tur för att tala med vargarna, men denna gång fick vi inget svar endast en spillning hittades.

onsdag 4 maj 2016

Sunny, new green leafs on the trees and nice warm, can´t be better for the long weekend,

Spring came very early this year 2016. The 4th of May the Birch tree started to show small green leafs around the Nordmarken Canoe Center. This late evening a recon group will arrive and use our Bed & Breakfast and tomorrow the rest of the group of Scouts will arrive for four days of wilderness training.

We will go into Survival, Buschcraft, handling and paddle Canoes, and also use the big Montreal canoes for a tour. There will be some Mountain Bike and climbing as well.

One highlight will be fire making with about 10 different methods and not using matches.

tisdag 3 maj 2016

Sportringen i farten!

Det märks att våren nu har kommit Lagom varmt i vädret at björkar med löv som små musöron.
Den 2 maj hade vi nöjet att ha ett 2O tal medarbetare från Sportringen i Töcksfors och Charlottenberg på en del Team Bildnings aktiviteter. Det var en heldag med flera aktiviteter andra aktiviteter inte bara hos oss, det var också personal från olika företag som Sportringen samarbetar med som visade upp sina produkter, lärde ut har grejorna fungera m.m. allt för att medarbetarna i de två Sportringarna ytterligare ökar sina kunskaper.

Allt avslutades på en ö där chefen bjöd på en fin vildmarksmiddag för sina suveräna medarbetare.

På Nordmarkens Kanot Center hade vi själva en jobbig, men trivsam dag till 100%.