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Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

tisdag 15 mars 2016

Money, Money, Money

The year 2015 -2016 there will be a large investment of money in the Canoe Area Dalsland –Nordmarken- Destination DANO.

More than 1, 5 million Euro ca 14, 5 million SEK has been and will be invested around the Canoe Area and the Dalslands Canal.  
A new organisation started 26th of November 2015 to take care and invest in the DANO Canoe Destination. About a bit more than 0, 5 million SEK is direct to the Canoe Area over a period of 3 years. It´s an EU project.

The price for the “Nature card will be 40:- to 60:- SEK per person and overnight and this payment go back to the Canoe Area and will run up to ca 1.5-2,0 million a year for improvement of the Canoe Area and camps. 40:- per person and night for canoers who hire canoes from a canoe outfitter in the area who are member of the DANO Canoe Area organisation. 60:- for the one coming with private canoes and stay overnight in the area.

New print of the map covering the canoe waters, new photos, and a check that everything is up to date concerning approves camp sites fire pit and shelters.

Reparation of camp sites and building of some new ones where needed. The DANO Canoe Area will go on to the NET and APP with information and photos of the different campsites so our costumer can plan there journey ahead back home.

The DANO Canoe Area really needed a new organisation with service to the camp sites and surrounding, to be number one of lake and streams for canoe paddling in Europe with good service and a will to take care of the nature and a good corporation with local the landowners.
That’s one of the things happening right now but there are more.

In the northern part of the area in Värmland there is more money running in a sum of total 1, 5 million Euros also about 14, 5 million SEK. This will be invested in the area Värmland and 3 areas in Norway close to Värmland. This money go to small companies in the tourist business, for improve marketing, advertising, education and to get travel agency’s in Europe to make business with the local tourist companies.
It’s an Interreg program Sweden - Norway run 2015 to 2018 and the head light will mainly be to get more international visitors to the area and higher standard of the different activities. There is a will to be the best area for activities in the nature, local larger arrangement and Event and to give value for money to the guests.

So for the coming years there will be a lot of new things going on and the part where we are working in is in the middle of these two projects  and we do hope improvement for our guests without loving the nature too much,  and have respect for local landowner’s and there property.


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