Om mig

Mitt foto
Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

lördag 30 december 2017

My the Forest be with You

Days are getting a few minutes longer every day since 23/12. We have some millimetres of snow around the Canoe Center here in Risviken. There is still free water in the canoe bay and we haven’t seen any ice yet.
But we do have guests. This morning a fine dear came close to our timber house and after have checked under where we feed the birds the dear went down to where we normally wash the canoes after a fine tour in Nordmarken.
We are sending friends, colleges, guest and family all the best for a fine New Year and may “the forest be with you” during 2018.

torsdag 21 december 2017

Santa is back 2017

Santa Claus has some problems this year in Risviken at Nordmarken Canoe Centre. There is now snow so the sledge with the reindeer has to stay at home waiting for snow. But we have had problem before at Year 2012. Santa came with his wife in a canoe but run into snow and cold weather so they made canoe camp just outside our house
Nothing is normal now but we have to live with it. We can´t fight nature or order nature to do what we want, we have to accept it as it is.
So this year we wish all of our families, friends, guests a very Good Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Santa didn’t show up to collect Christmas cards so you have to accept this info.

All the best
Preben/Gun Mortensen


tisdag 12 december 2017

Lika aktuellt i år.2017

Under de sista 14 dagarna har det varit ett stort antal naturkatastrofer. Den största stormen som man minns drabbade många miljoner människor på Filippinerna. Hela byar försvann mer eller mindre.
1000- tals döda och oerhört många skadade. Miljoner människor utan bostäder, mat, vatten och medicinsk hjälp. Samtidigt drar ett antal st...ora tornados genom centrala delstater i USA. Mycket stor förödelse även här.
Dagarna efter får vi en storm i norra Sverige. 30 000 hushåll utan ström i ett par dygn Telefoner slås ut. Räddningstjänsten och polisen nya RAKEL radio system slutar att fungera. Även här förödelse av stora mått. Strax efter en regnstorm på Sicilien med översvämningar och många döda.
Man kan börja undra varför naturen slår till under 10 dygn på så många olika platser. På många ställen fick folk ganska tidiga varningar av myndigheterna och kunde reagera samt vidta åtgärder, men gjorde man det tillräckligt?
Jag har börjat fundera om man är tillräckligt mentalt och praktisk förberedd om någonting allvarligt kan hända i ens närhet.
I USA är det på modet att bli PREPPER. Med det menas att man förbereder, preparera, sig för stora omfattande katastrofer. Lägger upp lager med vatten, proviant, vapen, drivmedel och mycket annat.
Personligen har jag under mera än 50 år lärt ut överlevnadsteknik till något 1000 tals kursdeltagare.
Hur skulle dessa klara sig om samhället slås ut. Har de lärt sig att klara sig själv med minimal utrustning? Det tror jag.
Kan man improvisera, sänka sin normala standard några dygn, sluta klaga på myndigheter att de inte gör någonting och om de gör det så påstå att det är för sent.
Eget ansvar blir kanske ett måste i framtiden. Vi kan i landsorten, inte få hit ett stort hangarfartyg från USA. Inte få hjälp av militärer i ett försvar som numera inte fungerar, mera än under en kortare tid.
Förut hade man Civilförsvaret som kunde vara till en viss hjälp och hade en del resurser, men detta sköts numera av räddningstjänsten i respektive kommun.
I dag när folk blir borta så tillkallar man Missing People. Man kanske i Sverige skulle starta MISSING ACTION. Frivilliga som hjälper till vid katastrofer, elavbrott, översvämningar. Inte så att de skall sköta verktyg och maskiner, men hjälpa till med boende, proviant, måltider transporter eller bara en hjälpande hand och en tillfällig varm sovplats och en måltid.
Det är ju så att den förberedda överlever och det är nog hög tid att bli en mini PREPPER, så att du hjälpligt, kanske i en vecka, kan ta hand om dig själv och dina närmaste.
Såg ett TV program där man stängde skolan då det inte fanns vatten till toaletterna. Sjön vad strax intill och ett par hinkar kunde säker någon skaffa fram från städskruppen och hämta vatten till de allra mest behövande för att spola toaletten med en ½ hink vatten.
I all välmening
Preben Mortensen
F.d. Civilförsvars chef i Årjängs kommun.

måndag 4 december 2017

Old friend back again.

Snow gone again. Birds are coming to get some food around our timber house. Almost every morning there is a deer who is coming and get birdseed that’s has falling down to the earth. Nice to see dear so close to my office.

fredag 24 november 2017

Bara att hämta direkt.

Jag har 3 + bärkassar fulla med friluftstidningen UTE Magasinet, De första från tidigt -.80 tal och en del år framåt. De kan hämtas på Nordmarkens Kanot Center i Risviken mot en egen bestämd avgift där budet börjar på 1 krona och slutar där du vill, Ring 0573 38060 och bestäm tid för hämtning, Snart körs de till tippen, vilket inte är en bra lösning, men de måste bort, tyvärr.

onsdag 22 november 2017

I like winter.

Some years ago I was up in North West Greenland in the Qaanaaq region and up to Sioropaluk on a dog sledge expedition. I was told by the Inuit ´s that they have 10 month of winter and 2 month with bad snow and ice for dog sledge tours for going to hunt and fishing.  Today we got 5-10 cm of snow and the whole transportation system collapse. No train, no busses, cancel of flight, can’t drive on the road due to stocked car and trucks. Winter is always a surprise for many people. The one, who think ahead, will always be a winner. I´m not thinking of being smart, just to be prepared with different possibilities when winter strikes. Firewood in house, winterised car with some extra cloth, some warm drinks and tools to help me out if stocked in snow and some more things good to have in emergency or problem on the road. I always try to be one step ahead. Be smart say yes to the winter like the people in the north.

Photo is from the sledge tour  from Qaanaaq to Thule Airbase a 3 day journey via Politiker  Glacier and Moriusaq.

tisdag 7 november 2017

lördag 4 november 2017

Speciel tour in November,

A few weeks ago in middle of October two guy came to do a canoe tour. I told them it was out of our season, but they took off for 2 two day tour. Excellent weather and they came back in good order.
Yesterday I pick them up in Glaskogen, where they have made a 3 day tour to some of our favourite lakes. They had full moon and made a night paddling and were listening to wolf call but no one was giving any sound. It’s nice to have costumer in what we call of season, but it takes folks with good experience, good equipment and a good deal of bushcraft practice.
If things are working OK for them, they will come back later this year for a new adventure I’m told.

tisdag 31 oktober 2017

Old memories

Moose hunting is still going on in Nordmarken. Our team have finished the hunting. But there is a good chance to see large bulls early morning or just before it getting dark.
The canoe season is almost over but we do have some real enthusiasts who like some cold weather.
Many years ago two of our former canoe guides was paddling at the Halloween weekend with some girlfriend. They got about 60 cm of snow at night and I had to take our Volvo 303 Jeep to put a rope to there car and trailer and transported the whole team to the south and Nordmarken Canoe Center in Risviken. Some few meters from Road E 18 we got some help from a tractor.

onsdag 25 oktober 2017

Dont do the crime if Yoy cant do the time !

Nu är det klart med skyltarna för Grannsamverkan. Det är sammanlagt 8 skyltar efter vägen Sillegårdsed till Dalbacka. Enligt uppgifter från Polisen kommer vi inom snar framtid att kalla till ett möte, där polisen redogör närmare har det fungerar och hur vi skall handla vid incidenter med obehöriga besök. Tyvärr har det ju varit en del inbrott i vårt område och förhoppningen är att detta skall minska eller helt upphör om vi tillsammans är uppmärksamma och dels larmar och via SMS eller telefon och informera vid behov.
Ser ni att skyltarna blir borta eller ligger ned så kontakta mig på telefon 0702631216.
Så fort jag får besked från polisen kommer jag att kalla till ett möte hos mig.

söndag 22 oktober 2017

Vad har glas för egenskaper?

Har just läst en artikel om att man mår bra om man bor i ett glashus. Pulsen sjunker, blodtrycket blir lägre och mycket annat. Man har byggt sådana glashus på en ö i Dalsland, bjudet in förståsigpåare, journalister m.fl. Kul är att jag sedan 50 år tillbaka fått liknande resultat från kunder som varit på en enkel kanottur under några dygn. Bott i tält eller i ett av vindskydden i DANO området. De har haft samma upplevelser och enligt vad de säger fått samma effekter som de som bott i glashusen. Underligt.
Min enkla fråga är vad har glas för egenskaper?

söndag 8 oktober 2017

Älgjakten förr och nu

Tiderna och jakten ändras. När jag började jaga älg på 50-talet var det en sensation om laget kunde fälla en älg.  Många år senare var jag med i Risvikens VVO, där vi något år hade licens på över 20 älgar och vi fyllde licensen på ett par dagar. 2017 är licensen på 3 vuxna och 2 kalvar varav det skall vara två vuxna tjurar och ett hondjur.
Förra året kände jag att jag jagat färdigt vad gäller älgjakt. Så jag avstod och gör så under jakten 2017 detsamma. Under flera år har jag haft möjlighet, att under det vi kallar ”stordrevet” fått pass 1 och där jag nedlagt 2 1/2 älg, varav en stilig stortjur.

Nu har man flyttat denna skyttelinje till den tidigare granna tallskogen öster om ”Värmen ”och byggt upp ett antal jakttorn. Det är bra överblick och ett säkert kulfång. Det hade varit kul att få vara med att inviga detta, men glädjande nog har det kommit en hel del yngre jägare i jaktlaget och jag hoppas någon av dessa får inviga ett av tornen med ett fint skott på älg.
Vädret för årets jakt i morgon måndag 9 oktober ser ut att bli bra för älgjakt och jag önskar alla en gedigen ”skitjakt”

Bilden är på en tjur som fälldes för 5 år sedan, tyvärr minns jag inte skyttens namn.

lördag 23 september 2017

Some have luck with the weather.

After a week with extreme fine weather this couple return to Base Camp. Not a single rain droop, lots of sun and almost no wind. They took one of our special tours and they were almost alone on tour.

This time of the year it can be a bit tricky with the weather, but there are more than 100 wooden shelters on the DANO camp sites so almost every night you can use one of them if the weather is a bit bad.  Its seams that next week will be fine, with warm and a bit sun, but we are slowly closing down the canoe season but can always help canoers who like to go on tour. There are still lots of berries and mushrooms out there.

måndag 18 september 2017

End of canoe season.

We only have a few canoers on tour out in the DANO canoe area. The last days the weather has been very good for canoeing. The nature is full of berries and mushrooms.  The leafs are slowly beginning to change colure’s and in a few days the nature will be very fine.  The night temperature is low now and it can be some frost in the morning just at sunrise. The deer are active now and take a short drive in the afternoon and you will see many.
On the 20th September there is a visit of the Swedish Agriculture minister Sven-Erik Bucht in our town Årjäng, and if there is a chance I will ask him why we have to pay 25% WAT every time our costumer has to pay this tax for hire a canoe, tent, spade, safety wests, or some other outdoor equipment for spending some days in the nature.  I find this very unfair that people has to pay 25% for doing outdoor life with hire equipment.

måndag 11 september 2017

Good with some extra equipment, or?

Autumn, normally rain, some wind and a bit cold weather. But there are still some enthusiasm for canoeing in Nordmarken and the DANO canoe area. Some in this group came back after some years and I think they have seen the TV program from Belgium there was made early spring this year at Nordmarken Canoe Center.  It’s good this time of the year to have some extra equipment on tour.

onsdag 6 september 2017

Back after a fine tour.

Some canoers have luck. This group running the Duke of Edinburgh Award started in fine weather, nice sun, no wind. But after some days the run into another type of weather with some rain and wind. But they came back to Base Camp in Risviken in good order and everyone was happy. When given back canoes and equipment, clean and nice, they had a chance to have a hot shower and I good dinner at Base Camp.

It’s always fine to have good guides and instructors who look after the students so, equipment is given back in good order and had a safe journey.  I thank you this group for a very fine work and responsibilities with the canoes and equipment. They made ca 80 km of canoeing during the 4 days they were out. Respect.

lördag 2 september 2017

New group running the Duke of Edingburgh Award

A new group from Great Britten arrived yesterday to run a Duke of Edinburgh Award. Total 18 students and 4 guides.
Two of the guides have been her one time before this year, also to run a DOEA. They have been her total 12 times before the lasts years with groups from Great Britten.
All these groups arrive via Oslo and then with local but to us in Risviken.  Just now the canoe area is almost empty, so it’s a very good time to make canoe expeditions.
I will mention that the two guides who have been here so many times will next week’s go the Ontario and to Algonquin National Park for a longer canoe tour. I told them to visit the town Peterborough to see the fine canoe museum there.
As I said before, time in early autumn, is perfect for canoeing. Lots of berries and lots of mushroom and fishing are getting better as well.

torsdag 31 augusti 2017

Suveränt av Westrar Wermlands Sparbank

Var i dag 31/8 på Westra Wermlands Sparbank i Årjäng, Blev mycket glad då jag såg då jag såg en större glas kruka full med numera odugliga sedlar. 500, 100, 50 lappar m.fl., fyllde upp krukan. Fick reda på att man kan lägga i pengar i stället för att sända dessa till Riksbanker för växling och banken kommer att dubbla upp den inkomna summa när det är klart. Pengarna kommer att skänkas till Barn Cancer Fonden.  Kul att vara kund i denna bank,  den enda i Årjäng som hanterar reda pengar.

fredag 25 augusti 2017

Free wilderness house,

The canoe season is almost over. Only a few enthusiasts are out on tour in Nordmarken and the DANO canoe area. I call it “The Real Canoe Country” and so it is. Well organised with ca 100 approved campsites, drinking water in almost every lake. People can make tours from real wilderness with Wolf, Moose’s, Beavers and lot of different animals around the lakes. There are also tours where you come to small settlements with shop and other facilities. It’s up to you and we will help you to find a tour you like.

Our wilderness house Bockudden is now free from 26 of August and to next year in to the month of May. It time now to think of coming to do some fine fishing in autumn when both Salmon , Pike, Lake Trout and Perch fishing are on top. Hire of fishing boat is free and included in the price. We also welcome guests when the Ice is on the lakes, so Ice fishing can be done with our help of transport to the hot spot for Ice fishing. So call for information about the Wilderness house Bockudden.

Price will be 1000:- SEK per 24/h for max 6 person including fishing boat. Call +46 (0) 573 38060 or


fredag 18 augusti 2017

Farewell to Lake Västra Silen

Now after an intensive period with guests on canoe tour the last group left us after 10 days at our Base Camp.  Lots of different program and as far as we know the group had a fine time. They left the Base Camp in very good condition, nice a clean but they had to work hard. Good discipline to separate the garbage for the dump. Thank you for taking care of nature for the future and welcome back another time.  From now in the middle of august on to end of September the canoe area will be rely empty only with a few canoers on tour. Good time for gathering mushroom and berries. After some days of rain the wilderness are also now full of fine mushroom right now.
The photo is from the last farewell to the lake from the 40 person group.

måndag 14 augusti 2017

The two Moose Safari

After a whole day of climbing and Mountain Bike half of the Belgian group went to a Moose safari. The day before, as I told on the last info, we saw 31 deer, but on this trip we only found 13 deer but also two large Moose just a few meters from the buss. We try to call them and they came a bit closer just feeding of the small birch trees. We return to Base Camp in Risviken at Nordmarken Canoe Center just before full summer darkness with very fine Wilderness Experience.

söndag 13 augusti 2017

The no Moose drive.

At Base Camp Risviken, Nordmarken Canoe Center we right now has a large group from Belgium for a lot of different activities. MTB. Climbing, Canoeing, Buschcraft and other things. I arrenge with a local bus company 2 Moose Safari near our Base Camp. Last evening we had no luck. But we made a new record. We found 31 dear on the tour. Mostly female with one or two cubs.

torsdag 10 augusti 2017

Piece of cake.

After some hours hard work I stop cutting down timber for the winter.  Timber will be 3.-6 meter long and I have to cut all of it to small pieces. It will take some more hours to do that, but its OK, and I had a good saw but I think I will be a mackinsaw next year.

OK it’s a joke and not my timber. Sorry.

Happy group.

After some days with not so good weather for canoeing we finally got no wind, warm and no rain. The group who was our guests last year started canoe training before they start their journey canoeing in Nordmarken. A young team this time but with very good leaders who take great responsibility for the young canoers. Our leader Tor and Amanda show them all the small tricks how to handle and paddle canoes and how to start and land the canoe on shore.

fredag 28 juli 2017

Fantastisk kanot .

Fick i dag besök av en riktig kanot entusiast. Ett perfekt hemmabygge och en verklig skönhet. Inte många klarar av ett sådant bygge i minsta detalj. Respekt.

onsdag 26 juli 2017

Very fine weather for canoing and some other stuff.

We have had ia period of very fine weather. All canoes are on tour in The Canoe Area Nordmarken. At Base Camp we have had a a family staying 14 days and made short  tours around Base Camp.This family was our guests for the second time this Year.
We have also  run an Adventure Camp  with families , fire making with primitive method’s, Climbing, Canoeing and some wilderness games in the nature. The kids made very good fires and learned a lot  of handling with fire on a safe way.

lördag 22 juli 2017

Sorry the people dont understand the art of silence in nature.

The first group from a Travel Agency came back to Base Camp Risviken after a week’s canoeing in Nordmarken.  A new group arrived to day and will take off tomorrow for another weeks paddling. 
Some guests from Europe don’t understand the way at living in the nature and there has been too much noise on some of the approved camp sites. We are sorry that some guests don’t understand that other folks come to Nordmarken to have good time and will enjoy the silence in the wilderness instead of high voices and loud music in the evening around the campfire.

Wilderness paddling in nature is a form of life style, and it’s not a party time like some large tourist area in south Europe.
We have given the new group a lot of rules and information and do hope they will understand our way of outdoor activities at our Canoe Center and among our college in Nordmarken to give all visitors a good experience and a will to come back.

tisdag 18 juli 2017

Farther and son back for tour number 24.

This father and son have been our guests since 1992. They started 25 years ago but one year they didn’t come so they were back for tour number 24 today... They have done almost 24 weeks in the canoe area, but his year the grand children came with them so the tour was a bit shorter this year. Since they started they had a put up sign on a piece of timber with the different year out in the area but the old tree want down so now we have the fine memory at our reception and we are really proud to have this memory.

måndag 17 juli 2017

All canoes on tour

Today 17/7 all canoes gone on tour. Good for us but not so good for guests who want to make a late reservation. In the and of this month and whole August we do have some free canoes again.

Back after 25 years, WOW

The lady in this family was our guest 25 years ago. Some also in the same family has been our guest several times years ago. Now they return for a week paddling in Nordmarken with their children.
The first night they stay at our Base Camp and had a nice fire in the evening before take-off. It’s a good idea just to check equipment and stuff before starting the tour. As usual it’s always nice with returning guests

fredag 14 juli 2017

The RECON team in Action from Route du Soleil.

Today 14th of July a Recon Team from Route du Soleil in Belgium arrived to our Base Camp in Risviken. They set up the camp for the group who arrive tomorrow so everything will be in perfect order to the participants when they show up.
After canoe instruction, information about the area and how to behave in the nature, rules of fire making etc before they will take off for a 6 days tour in the DANO Canoe area. The following weeks it will be the same on Saturdays and Sundays.

I think this is a follow up of the two TV programs we made this early summer at Nordmarken Canoe Center to be shown in Belgium.

onsdag 12 juli 2017

Klättring långt från att paddla.

Det kommer fortfarande ”gamla” kunder till oss på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.  I går eftermiddag kom en vän till en av våra tidigare instruktörer, som tillsammans paddlat Dalslands Kanot Maraton i en av mina Macfie kanoter. Det var många år sedan. Nu kom han med ett fint kamratgäng och ville prova på klättring på klättertornet. De var ett 20 tal så vi körde på två täter, den ena leden lite enklare och den andra betydligt svårare. Många klarade av att komma till tops under ivriga hejarop från vännerna.

Senare på kvällen ringde en man som i sin ungdom i början på 80-talet var här med sin kompis på en längre kanottur i Nordmarken. Nu ville vännerna göra om bedriften i mitten av augusti, vilket vi ser fram mot.

söndag 9 juli 2017

Back after many years, WOW

Today a lady returns to Nordmarken Canoe Center with her family. She have been a student when I< was a teacher at ÅGY School in Årjäng. She took part for 1 year at Bushcraft guide program with both Canoe activities, Wilderness First Aid, Outdoor life winter time and normal summer Outdoor life.
After school she was at Nordmarken Canoe Center as trainee and took part of a large program with 130 members from a Danish bank that had program in 4 days with a lot of different wilderness activities.

She has been our guest several times since the first time. Again return Business.

lördag 8 juli 2017

Grand old team on tour in Nordmarken.

Last afternoon 7 July the  Odense Sea Kayak Club return to Base Camp at Nordmarken Kanot Center in Risviken after a  week paddling  in ”The Real Canoe Country” Nordmarken. At arrival they took at bath in the Indian Sweat Lodge and a dip in the Hot Tub after, and then in to the lake for a swim.
No photos “all was naked”.
After the bath we help the team to arrange a grill party, and it was a nice evening  and a bit tired team who went to their single tent at our Base Camp 1. They have had a very good tour and almost alone on the camp sites. I was told that they will return next season. Welcome back.

Last day at Risviken and Nordmarken Canoe Center

After a week with perfect weather for canoeing the Duke of Edinburgh group came back to Base Camp in Risviken. They made a long and strong tour and cover all lakes in the south, down to Bengtsfors. Some long portage and then back via lake Svärdlången and Västra Silen. Nice evening after a hot shower and then campfire and then an early return to sleeping bags. After a wilderness week. In the early morning before going back to England a little bit of fine rain. Some of the canoe guides will return in September with another group from England.

fredag 7 juli 2017

Well done, thank you.

Today a family came back after a week in the canoe area Nordmarken. Extremely good and warm weather the whole week. When they came to shore they laid down 3 plastic bags with garbage. One with metal and cans. One with plastic and one with thing that can burn. That’s the way a lot of other canoers can learn from. This family have some of them been our guest before years ago and we are very pleased that guests act the way we tell them. Thank You that you help us to keep the canoe area nice for the future generation and we who live here.

torsdag 6 juli 2017

Great danger for forest fire.

Right now the forest and nature is very dry. It’s dangerous to light a campfire, It´s warm and windy and perfect that accident can happen and we got a forest fire. In the DANO Canoe area it’s only allowed to make a very small fire in these camps and you have to take full responsibilities not to start a wildfire.

But there are more to do in the canoe area. Start early morning just when the sun goes up are just before it goes down, if you are hiding yourself near a shore there is a very good chance to see a moose coming to the lake to drink water. Have had several people who have seen moose or deer at the waterfront. So good luck

tisdag 4 juli 2017

Rainford group back again.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award group from Rainford College are back again this year with total 23 people. This time on a long canoe tour with 3 separate routes they have been planning for about a year. They have done a lot of Canoe- and Bushcraft training in England before arrival to Nordmarken Canoe Center. It´s always nice to have back the teachers and leaders from the School and they have been out guest at least 6 times before with different students every year.

lördag 1 juli 2017

First time in Risviken 1979 WOW.

1979 was the first time two of this group was at Nordmarken Canoe Center. Since  that year they have been back several times. This year  they to a very long and fine tour. First to Järnsjön, then up to Glaskogen and paddling  in some of the fine wilderness lakes up there. Very good weather and during the week and they cower about 25 kilometre a day, They came back and return hired equipment what we call MVG. Thank you and welcome back for a new wilderness tour in the future.

Another repeat business

This couple was our guests 10 years ago with some friends and family. Now they return for a week’s adventure. Children 3 and 5 years old hade a very good time they told me in “secret”. The family made a very good decision to stay mostly at our Base Camp and paddle to some nice beaches in the surrounding of Risviken.

torsdag 22 juni 2017

Be careful

Right now there are very dry in the Canoe area Nordmarken. There is great risk for forest fire in the whole DANO Canoe Area. There is also a fire ban since years ago, and it´s only allowed making fire on the approved campsites.
These campsites you can find on the canoe map and they all have a number. So don’t make large fire in the nature the service team will be out checking that all guest are following these rules to prevent forest fire and so the landowners can be happy and they don’t get there forest burned down.
We at Nordmarken Kanot Center wish you all a fine midsummer and have a nice and good tour in Nordmarken.
The photo is just a campfire to large, so make small fire if you have to and control it carefully and pur lot of water on it before you leave.