Om mig

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Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

fredag 18 augusti 2017

Farewell to Lake Västra Silen

Now after an intensive period with guests on canoe tour the last group left us after 10 days at our Base Camp.  Lots of different program and as far as we know the group had a fine time. They left the Base Camp in very good condition, nice a clean but they had to work hard. Good discipline to separate the garbage for the dump. Thank you for taking care of nature for the future and welcome back another time.  From now in the middle of august on to end of September the canoe area will be rely empty only with a few canoers on tour. Good time for gathering mushroom and berries. After some days of rain the wilderness are also now full of fine mushroom right now.
The photo is from the last farewell to the lake from the 40 person group.

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