Om mig

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Risviken, Sandvika, Årjäng, Värmland, Sweden
Jag heter Preben Mortensen. Varit aktiv med friluftsliv och kanot sedan 1956. Driver Nordmarkens Kanot Center AB med familjen strax söder Årjäng vid Västra Silen. Syftet med denna blogg är att du kan ta del av min vardag och de senaste äventyren och annat som rör aktivt friluftsliv. Gå till så kan du se hela vårt program på Nordmarkens Kanot Center.

fredag 13 juni 2014

Better safe then sorry!

The last days there have been some heavy wind. Two or our guests was wind bound south in Västra Silen. In the afternoon when they was supposed to come back to Base Camp in Risviken they could not make it in too much wind and large waves on the lake. With modern equipment they call us on the E-mail and mention that they will stay another night and wait for the wind to go down.
This morning they started to walk back to Base Camp after sending us a new >E-mail. We went down the road and pick them up and took canoe, folks and equipment back to Base Camp. We call it service to our guests.
It was a good solution and remember “No Indian have ever drowned on land”.

A few hours later a girl who have been on a one week solo tour show up in Base Camp she have walk 9,8 km back to camp and left the canoe  on shore south of camp. We took it back with our transport trailer, also a very good decision to walk en not paddle in heavy wind.
So good information from us before start pay off.

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